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We're all about Jesus - We're all about souls

Throne Room Nashville, as the name itself implies, focuses on ministering to Jesus Himself, delighting in, and worshiping Him with everything we are. All that we say and do flows from this. The one thing we will do in heaven is worshiping God without ceasing (24/7) and we aim to start now. We want to lift up and love with all that is within us the King who is endlessly worthy of all our praise, devotion, and every breath. He truly is “holy, holy, holy.” (Revelation 4:8)


Reaching the unreached is our next immediate priority (which again, flows out of a deep love for Jesus). We believe that every believer is anointed and equipped to preach the gospel. We believe that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). We preach the unadulterated message of God's love, the cross, the blood of Jesus, His death, His glorious resurrection and how we are now called to walk in the resurrected power of Christ for all eternity. Our desire is to see billions of this generation come to intimately know and fall in love with Jesus as their Savior and Lord. At this moment, the two countries that God has called us to intentionally minister to are the United States of America and India. We prophesy over these two nations that America and India will be saved. 


Jesus & Souls!

Throne Room Nashville, as the name itself implies, focuses on ministering to Jesus Himself, delighting in, and worshiping Him with everything we are. All that we say and do flows from this. The one thing we will do in heaven is worshiping God without ceasing (24/7) and we aim to start now. We want to lift up and love with all that is within us the King who is endlessly worthy of all our praise, devotion, and every breath. He truly is “holy, holy, holy.” (Revelation 4:8)


Reaching the unreached is our next immediate priority (which again, flows out of a deep love for Jesus). We believe that every believer is anointed and equipped to preach the gospel. We believe that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). We preach the unadulterated message of God's love, the cross, the blood of Jesus, His death, His glorious resurrection and how we are now called to walk in the resurrected power of Christ for all eternity. Our desire is to see billions of this generation come to intimately know and fall in love with Jesus as their Savior and Lord. At this moment, the two countries that God has called us to intentionally minister to are the United States of America and India. We prophesy over these two nations that America and India will be saved. 




Mission Statement

To love Jesus and usher people into God's presence, win souls, disciple believers, and mentor the next generation, transforming them into faithful lovers of Jesus and effective soul winners.


Vision Statement 

Our vision is to see one billion people encounter Jesus, get saved, and fall in love with Him.


Who can attend our regular services & revival meetings?

We love and minister to kids, teens, adults, and people of all age groups, and cultures. Everyone is welcome. 


Regular Services

Our regular services happen in Middle Tennessee. We do not have a fixed location yet. We rent locations based to gather for our Bi-Weekly Services. Please subscribe to our email list for updates on our service location. We're working on securing a permanent location as soon as possible. Pray that God will provide us with a spacious location where we can worship Jesus and disciple new believers.

Meet Jesus - Revival Meetings

Corporate worship and preaching the gospel in large gatherings has proven â€‹results that bring souls into the kingdom of God. The harvest is ripe and God has called us to preach the gospel to the world. We will be hosting revival crusades and events in different parts of the United States and India. These crusades will bring the Gospel, the love, and the power of God to thousands. We will preach the unadulterated gospel to the lost and lead people into the presence of God during these revival events. We will connect the new believers to the local church. We also will empower and train the local church to move in the fullness of Jesus and make sure the new believers are discipled in the word of God. 


Hosting these events will require lots of prayers, finances, planning, and organizing. We also need hundreds of Holy Spirit-filled volunteers to help us put on these events. If you would like to join our volunteer team, partner with us in prayer, or help us financially, you can email us at

We are limited without you. We need you to partner with us financially as we go out as laborers to bring the ripe harvest. 

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