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Welcome to Throne Room Ministries

"We love Jesus and people unconditionally."

"We raise disciples who carry the message of Jesus to the nations."

"Worship and praise are our lifestyle."

"We preach Christ and Him crucified."

"We're a church of signs, wonders, and miracles."

Where to Find Us

When and where we meet

Pinkerton Park

405 Murfreesboro Rd, Franklin, TN 37064

Wednesday Nights

6:30 PM

Memphis -Throne Room Event-3.jpg

Mission Statement

To love Jesus and usher people into God's presence, win souls, disciple believers, and mentor the next generation, transforming them into faithful lovers of Jesus and effective soul winners.


Vision Statement 

Our vision is to see one billion people encounter Jesus, get saved, and fall in love with Him.


Who can attend our services?

We love and minister to kids, teens, adults, and people of all ages and cultures.

Everyone is welcome to attend our regular church services and revival meetings.


Where are we located?

We operate primarily in Nashville, TN, Orlando, FL, & Karnataka, India 


Throne Room Nashville is a church that meets in Franklin, TN. 

Throne Room Nashville, as the name itself implies, focuses on ministering to Jesus Himself, delighting in, and worshiping Him with everything we are. All that we say and do flows from this. The one thing we will do in heaven is worshiping God without ceasing (24/7) and we aim to start now. We want to lift up and love with all that is within us the King who is endlessly worthy of all our praise, devotion, and every breath. He truly is “holy, holy, holy.” (Revelation 4:8)


Reaching the unreached  and discipling them is our next immediate priority (which again, flows out of a deep love for Jesus). We believe that every believer is anointed and equipped to preach the gospel. We believe that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). We preach the unadulterated message of God's love, the cross, the blood of Jesus, His death, His glorious resurrection and how we are now called to walk in the resurrected power of Christ for all eternity. Our desire is to see billions of this generation come to intimately know and fall in love with Jesus as their Savior and Lord. At this moment, the two countries that God has called us to intentionally minister to are the United States of America and India. We prophesy over these two nations that America and India will be saved. 


Your giving helps us to win souls and bring multitudes into the presence of Jesus!

From 2021 to 2023 God moved powerfully in America, India, and Africa. We saw more than 5000 people radically encounter Jesus. This year we are believing for thousands of people to encounter Jesus and fall in love with Him. What we do is very expensive, and we need you now more than ever. Your partnership with us will help us greatly. The open door for evangelism in the world is before us like never before, but we simply cannot do it without your help! Will you join us in the harvest? Cast your seed upon the ministry soil of winning souls and making disciples. Believe God to receive a maximum harvest from every seed you sow in this season of famine!





Worshiping Jesus and winning souls to His kingdom is our DNA. Every dollar you give will help us to lead and bring someone into the presence of Jesus. We believe that generosity results in a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was the generosity and prayer of Cornelius that pleased God which eventually resulted in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the first time on the Gentiles. ("Startled, he was overcome with fear by the sight of the angel. He asked, 'What do you want, Lord?' The angel said, 'All of your prayers and your generosity to the poor have ascended before God as an eternal offering. '" -Acts 10:4). It has been the generosity of the body of Christ that has helped millions to know Jesus around the world. Giving makes Jesus the Lord of your finances. 


God clearly tells us to give where He chooses to establish His presence and His name. ("...that you shall take some of the first of all the produce of the ground which you harvest from the land that the Lord your God gives you, and you shall put it in a basket and go to the place where the Lord your God chooses to establish His Name (Presence)." -Deuteronomy 26:2). 


If you see the evidence of the presence of God and His Spirit moving somewhere, that is the kind of place you want to give to.

We want to give you this opportunity to partner with us as we go out winning souls for Jesus and lifting His name above all. We are limited without your financial support.  We definitely want you to know that your gift will help us tremendously to bring many into the presence of Jesus and take the gospel to millions around the globe. 


Your giving not only will help us to bring Jesus to the lost world, but your gift of FAITH will release many blessings over your life and your family. When you give, do it generously and give by faith. ("By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith, he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead." -Hebrews 11:4)


“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” – Malachi 3:10


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